metastases of the Turkish cancer from Paris (2013), Kobani, Sorouts, Cizre, its
periphery, appeared on the most aggressive form of it in the center, in Ankara.
Near the mausoleum of the founder of an ideology of death, Kemal.
The murderous bombs of the genocidal caste
posed now in the International agenda the
Turkish problem, the Turkish pathology, the chronic Turkish disease.
The geopolitical immorality of the States, big
or medium, cannot stand any more. It lasted for too long.
Its non-resolution causes even into the new
century constant disintegration of historical press in the region. Nowhere on
the planet do we face such a periodic recycling of genocidal brutality.
The pictures of Ankara brink back in our memory
similar images by genocidal acts victimizing indigenous Greek populations.
Decades now I have been arguing that Greece
should emerge as a moral power in the region.
She did not do it.
She is obliged to do it today.
The Greek Government does not need to recourse
for bilateral meetings and easy, unethical handshakes which legitimize the
killers who are seeking for them especially after their criminal action and in
particular from the Greeks.
History, Rights, Politics delegate our country
with great responsibilities, tasks and roles.
The Greek Parliament, all of its sides, must
honor the dead, the new victims of the Turkish machine of death who are once
again young people. This time it is not the children of the Greeks, the
Armenians, the Assyrians. It is the children of the Kurdish people. The
Karduchians of Xenophon, I said to the UN in Geneva in 1986 and the felonious
mechanism of the station targeted my life.
This act will symbolize the end of tolerance to
the Turkish genocidal caste by the European and International community.
International policy is now facing a moral,
historic landmark. The slaughter of the children at the Ankara station. The
passage from its immorality before the station crime, to its the morality,
humanization after that. This is our posture, our message.
Our civilization.
Our Hellenic way.
cover of the book: “Asia Minor unites, Turkey barbarizes – Pontos, the return
of a very ancient identity”, Michalis Charalambidis, Stravon Publications, 2011.
Tuesday 13th of October 2015
Polis-agora.blogspot.com Ιστολόγιο Μιχάλη Χαραλαμπίδη